Thursday, September 07, 2006


Well we had a great time at the Mahoney Bar-B-Q slash water fight... which was delayed by a very adventuresome 2 hour search for water baloons. Above are some photos of the day. Thanx for all the food and fellowship everyone. I still think we should get together more often. By the way Ryan... I win!!

Pictures as Promised.

OK, so it took more than a day or two but here are the pictures of the kids I promised. The last one is Matt and Xan combing Izaak's hair... if only they were this nice to each other all the time. We also have Sid then Zaak then Matt then Xan and missing from this particular photo shoot is Elliott... I promise to add Elliott to this post as soon as he returns from his mothers.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Yard...

Here are a few pictures to let you see the progress I've made in the yard. As some of you know this is my major project for the summer and is nearing completion. Even though the "Yard fund" has been exhausted I think we are still on track for completion in early fall. My goal is to hydro seed with in a month to six weeks. most of the hard part is done its just a matter of waiting for the funds to trickle in. the front yard just needs a couple minor touches to be completely ready for seed but the back has a few bigger items to be completed. Once the wall is finished I can install the last the sprinkler heads and then its just a matter of grading and moving a lot of topsoil to the back yard. The topsoil is the hard part since I only have four feet of clearance on each side of the house it must be done by hand. I'm told that there is a conveyor that will launch it over my roof into a pile back there but the cost outweighs the benefit. Anyhow, I hope all that can be done before winter so my grass won't die over the winter.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Drum Roll Please... and the new FTD purple team (swing shift) manager is ... Krista! Well its official I am now the lowest financial contributing entity of the Hale family. However, congratulations are in order for my wife who has worked very hard to get this promotion. Even though she seems a bit stressed out at the moment I believe she is very happy with her new position. I have every confidence that she will do great things for her team and the company and even though she has a lot more to do now she will have no problem rising to the task at hand. I am very proud of you dear, keep up the good work! At this rate a couple more years and you'll make enough I can stay home and take care of the kids all day... lol.

Summer Swimming Lessons 2006

Swimming Lessons are complete for the year. Matthew tried very hard to pass his class and other than a little breathing issue he did awesome. OK, so he sinks every time he tries to get a breath while swimming. For some reason he just cant manage to grasp the turn your head and breath he just stops everything gets a breath and bloop, under he goes no thrashing no fighting no panic just bloop. Maybe next year we hope. Xandrea did really well too although didn't quite make it to the next class. They love to swim but the Olympics are still a couple lessons away...

"The Hale Family Blogg" Begins!

OK, here it is. I finally put the web page to rest and have gave in to "The Blog." It was inevitable I guess. It was very time consuming and tiresome to find and add new content on my website so I now have a cookie cutter Blog. I wish I had time to pursue both but for now the Blog is it. I hope to be able to make another web page down the road and keep up on both but for now it seems to be more important to get the family news and photos to everyone. On the other hand this Blog creates a new challenge and hopefully more feedback so post on and enjoy!