Saturday, September 02, 2006


Drum Roll Please... and the new FTD purple team (swing shift) manager is ... Krista! Well its official I am now the lowest financial contributing entity of the Hale family. However, congratulations are in order for my wife who has worked very hard to get this promotion. Even though she seems a bit stressed out at the moment I believe she is very happy with her new position. I have every confidence that she will do great things for her team and the company and even though she has a lot more to do now she will have no problem rising to the task at hand. I am very proud of you dear, keep up the good work! At this rate a couple more years and you'll make enough I can stay home and take care of the kids all day... lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Krista! Congrats!
- The Comisky's